Birth date and birth-place
I was born on August 8, 1977 in city Makeevka (Donetsk province).
My parents: the father Dorofeev Sergey Sergeyevich
the mother Dorofeeva Olga Vladimirovna;
The brothers or sister, native, I have no. My parents of April 21 2001 have celebrated
silver wedding, 25 years together.
My favourite city
For me the most favourite city is the city in which I was born and has grown.
I speak about city Makeevka, which is in Donetsk area. It is industrial city, since
in it are large metallurgical and coke-chemistry factories, and also the mines,
factory, are also two institutes and two technical schools, it is a lot of children-
gaden and schools.
Other favourite city, to be exact by settlement of a urban type, is Zugres-2, which
is in same area in khartsizk area. He is youngish city. In this city I have gone to
school N-17 and having ended eight, from ten possible, of classes has acted in a tech-
nical school.
In our settlement practically all people know each other and live amicably enough.
In the basic people work on power station. And with leisure at us bad was always,
therefore youth does not hasten to remain there.
My education
I have gone to seven years in school N-17, that in city Zugres-2, and on finished of
eight classes I submitted the documents to two technical schools, in Zugres in heat-power
and Donetsk in polytechnical, and, successfully, having passed examinations in both, has
chosen Donetsk, as there there was a speciality which to me Operation of the Automated
Systems ". Having finished a technical school with the red diploma, I have acted in
Donetsk Polytechnical Institute on a speciality " Automatics and telemechanics ", on
which now and I study in magistatures.
After termination(ending) university I plan to be arranged on work and to act on cor-
respondence branch of economic faculty, our university, on a speciality " Book keeping
and audit ".
My speciality
Speciality " Automatics and telemechanics " I have chosen not casually, I from childhood
interest by all that am connected to electronics. And when has grown up, has seen that the
given speciality is perspective, in our times " of computer revolution ", and can to ensu-
re me with the large salary of work and will simplify my employment upon termination of
university, since we are the experts of a wide structure.
During training me especially have liked subjects on study of the programming languages
(Pascal, CI ++, Asembler), on designing and account of radioelectronic devices, on design-
ing and programming of systems by use of the microcontrollers, and also on by designing of
algorithms for digital regulators on the basis of the microcontrollers.
I am pleased and I do not pity about the chosen speciality, and I advise to act on this
speciality by everyone, who takes a great interest in electronics.
Mine magisters work
Theme by mine magisters of work is the reception and research of mathematical model of
process melting particle of ore in the furnace. This theme is especially urgent today,
since studies an opportunity of reception cast iron from ore, using more cheap kinds coal.
Thus the important factor, for today, is that these installations are less on the sizes, and
accordingly require smaller initial capital investments. They are easier in technical and
corrective maintenance, allow to adjust cubics of manufacture.
In more detail about it you can learn, download Zip archives of my work, and also clause
of my chief and scientific adviser:
--->> The brief review and files concerning technologies of process.
/Kravcov V.V./
--->> The brief review and files concerning receptions of mathematical model.
/Tkachenko V.N.
/(download now);
The results of my search in i-net on the given theme can be looked here
(or on sites in Resourse)
Service in Church
In 1996 I have come to the God. From that time I have finished bible school and now I am
in service of glorification and also I am by the leader houm of group.
I advise everyone, who yet has not accepted Jesus of Lord, come to the God and to begin
new life with the God.
From childhood I take a great interest in electronics, also computers enter into sphere
of my enthusiasmes. From recent time I began to take a great interest in the Internet and
creation of sites for myself and friends, dialogue by means of i-net and search in it of the
useful information.
The addresses for contacts and telephone, are specified on a site, in section e-mail.
PS: Is always glad to new acquaintance,Yriy.
--- The End ---